Help this game reach its goal

of goal

A downloadable game

This is a web-based Hangman Game implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The game allows players to guess a word by selecting letters from an on-screen keyboard. It features different difficulty levels, a visual representation of hangman, and the ability to purchase hints with in-game currency.


  • Difficulty Levels: Choose from Easy, Medium, or Hard difficulty.
  • Visual Hangman: A SVG drawing that updates as incorrect guesses are made.
  • Hint System: Spend in-game money to reveal a letter in the word.
  • Money System: Earn money for correct guesses and spend it on hints.
  • Restart and Main Menu: Restart the game or return to the main menu at any time.
  • Background Image: Enjoy a visually pleasing background while playing.

How to Play

  1. Choose Difficulty: Select Easy, Medium, or Hard from the main menu.
  2. Start Game: Click "Start Game" to begin playing.
  3. Guess Letters: Click on letters to guess the word.
  4. Hints: Click "Buy Hint" to reveal a letter in the word for $5.
  5. Win or Lose: Win by guessing the word or lose by making too many incorrect guesses.
  6. Restart or Leave Game: After the game ends, choose to restart or return to the main menu.
Published 3 days ago

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